Sunday, September 12, 2010

If know God then ONE God, but If Many Gods then NO God...

An official chinese citizen who is officially atheist wouldnt be believing in God, destiny or say Karma? Whenever i pass by a temple i just wonder as to whom should i worship the IDLE God(IDOL God) or His creations. Should i bow my head to an Idol in the temple who as perceived by indians also sometimes drinks milk or should i inherit the basic values of humanity for what i am over here. Have you ever seen a carnivore eating grass? The fundamental characteristic of any being should never be lost, isnt it? And so in worshipping an Idol which to me is Idle relinquishing my fundamental characteristics of Being human is a hypocrisy where we cheat nobody but ourselves. I might be wrong, but its not my rational, reasoning, logical mind which says this. But may be the way " The God " has been interpreted unnerves me. Its not that i have not seen God so i dont believe Him, thats logical but puerile and not me atleast. To be precise, humanity is the religion and its creation the God. Building a billion dollar akshardham or a million dollar church or a mosque is like deminishing the human value within a God.

During Idd, i visited a mosque with a friend of mine who is a muslim. Definetely would be considered an act of blashphemy by many but then I felt nothing anomalous. Just felt the same as I visit a Hindu temple. Not at all a devout Hindu by any means, but yes what i have institutionalised is that God does not reside in the temple, mosque or church. All those are institutional mechanisms for the society to follow a norm, which is civilised in its form and acceptable by the society. The purest form of God which i have come across other than the 99.9% glittered gold idol god, is a child. If you pick up an infant, thats when You can truly say that God is in your hand because of that innocence, un corrupt, innocuous non envious heart which the God is born with...

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