Friday, September 10, 2010

Good fences do not necessarily make good neighbours...

Good fences do not necessarily make good neighbours as in case of China especially. China has started issuing stapled visas to Indian citizens from J&K. It has created new wrinkle on India's face as rightly quoted by Raja Mohan over its portrayal of J&K as a "disputed area". China's meteoric rise depicting its economical and political prowess worldover has dilated its delayed appetite of acquiring new territories and influencing its neighbours along its periphery.

Several military exercises between nations allayed fears over Beijing's ambition of aquring new territories. They did act as tranquilizers in Indo-Sino relation for a while. But these is colonialism in its new form where through persuasive dialogues and nudging the countries circumferencial area you can acquire territories without shedding a single drop of blood. New delhi should engage with Beijing in a comprehensive and concrete dialogue process to solve the perrenial border dispute. Beijing's ogling over J&K is a gradual shift form its policy regarding J&K.

China is in occupation of 38000 of territory in ladakh region that connects original state of J&K with two chinese provinces, Tibet & Xinjiang. China also controls another tract of 5000 in shaksgam valley that Pakistan ceded to China under 1963 treaty. Chinese PLA had built the karakoram highway in the 70s which is the passage between China and Pakistan. Though India's soft state image cannot ignore China's vigorous attempts at acquring new are altogather. Though dialogue being the only solution Delhi should lay down some cemented foreign policy which may if not yield an outcome but atleast seed a hope for the future...

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